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The Team

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Sofia Domagk

Sofia is in her second year of LAS, majoring in Governance. She is particularly interested in topics of sociology and international relations, and how we can tackle today’s pressing issues in and between societies. This year’s topic, “Europe as a Normative Power” thus creates a great framework to discuss these challenges and how to respond to them. Sofia enjoys the in-depth exchange between students and experts and the active organization to provide a platform for fruitful conversations and interdisciplinary learning and engagement.

Together with Caroline, she is co-head of the committee and takes care of all organizational matters.


Caroline Sow

Caroline is a second year student in Liberal Arts and Sciences, majoring in Governance. She is particularly interested in the study of individuals in societies, and how social issues are dealt with in politics on both a local and global scale. The Global Affairs in Dialog committee is a great opportunity for her to engage with and forge an understanding of all sorts of issues which are, inevitably, always intrinsically linked to the way individuals and societies are interacting with one another. The network which is built-up between experts and students within the committee is especially important to her.

Together with Sofia, Caroline is co-head of the committee and takes care of all organizational matters.


Radu Diaconescu

Radu is a third year student of the Life Sciences major at University College Freiburg and has been involved with the Global Order Project since 2018. Within the GOP, he is primarily interested in Internet governance, and issues linked to innovation and sustainability. His main responsibilities include (re)architecting the GOP's website and behind-the-scenes research.


Caren Sausmikat

Caren is studying Liberal Arts and Sciences in her third year, majoring in Culture & History. She is fascinated by the human disposition and focuses her studies on the diverse ways in which the individual collides, connects and cooperates with others. She is also a strong supporter of the European idea and therefore looking forward to this year’s talk series on Europe as a normative power. Together with experts and her peers she hopes to investigate the responsibility that comes with such normative power and how we as European citizens are involved in it.

Together with Radu, Caren is taking care of GAD’s online presence.


Jule Sommer

Jule is in her third year of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UCF, majoring in Governance. Within the major of Governance she is particularly interested in the connection between legal studies and political sciences in areas such as human rights and development cooperation. With this academic interest in mind, she looks forward to exploring the normative power the EU specially - and Europe more generally - exercises through for example democracy promotion. Moreover, as part of the organizing team, she is excited to both enable and engage in fruitful discussions with fellow students and invited speakers.


Thilo Krechlak

Thilo is a third year Liberal Arts and Sciences student, specialising in Governance. In his studies Thilo is interested in cooperation and development. By participating in the committee he hopes to broaden his understanding of international matters and contribute to lively exchange. Through GAD he aspires to discuss and work with others on finding interdisciplinary solution approaches to challenges of global interest.


Marianne Polge

Marianne is a second year Governance student at LAS. She joined the GAD committee in her first year of studies, because she was interested in talking with experts about topics which matter. She is interested in geopolitics as well as new technologies and their use in governance. The GAD committee has allowed her to connect her academic knowledge to real life events and situations, which she has been enjoying very much.


Mathis Spranzel

Mathis is in the Foundational Year of his Liberal Arts and Sciences studies at UCF. He is particularly fascinated by the collective action of humans who individually face doubt in daily life. Shaped by his background Mathis feels a strong urge for promoting active European citizenship. His vision is to assure everyone receives an opportunity to develop their potential in the quest for peace and prosperity.

Therefore, he enjoys being an active member of the Global Affairs in Dialogue committee. The invitation for everyone to bring a topic of human concern to the table, to discuss it guided by experts, allows for any issue to be presented passionately and thereby to move the participants. This is the essence of Global Affairs in Dialogue.


Anna Schmidt

Anna is in the Foundational Year of her Liberal Arts and Sciences studies at UCF.


Marina Fitzner

Marina is in the Foundational Year of her Liberal Arts and Sciences studies at UCF.

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Andreas Schmidt

Andreas is a Governance major and in his second year of the LAS programme. He has been involved in the GAD Committee since 2019. His main interests are political philosophy and economics. Andreas has joined the Global Affairs in Dialogue Committee to get a better understanding of international affairs and institutions. Additionally, he likes the concept of promoting the exchange between students and experts. He is jointly responsible for the finances of the committee.

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Philip Sänger

Philip is a third year Liberal Arts and Sciences student at the University College Freiburg, majoring in Life Sciences. His current interests include philosophy and ethics in the field of technology and the life sciences. Hence, he looks forward contributing to this year’s Artificial Intelligence track. He has been part of Global Affairs in Dialogue since the beginning of his studies.

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Dr. Stoyan Panov

Dr. Stoyan Panov has acted as an academic supervisor and mentor of Global Affairs in Dialogue since its establishment (as the Global Order Project) at UCF in 2015.

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